“The Driving Force of Impact for Youth through

Empowerment, Partnership and Action.”


Global Youth Impact Nexus (GYIN) is a youth-focused platform to enable the Youth and Leading Practitioners around the globe to engage, network and collaborate addressing challenging issues & topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


To be the leading platform connecting the change-makers of today’s generation, enabling them to share ideas, collaborate, and make impact both in the local & global community.


● To provide actionable pathways while building meaningful partnerships across regions and sectors.

● To advocate SDGs among the youth that ripples transformative impacts from local to global scale.

● To amplify youth voices are meaningfully heard within society, politics and decision making.

Our initiatives & programs are fundamentally based on three pillars that we call as “GYIN 3Cs” :

GYIN Collaboration


“Global Network, Local Impact”

We work with the UN Agencies Network, Governments, CSOs, NGOs, Global & Local Communities to facilitate exchange around common challenges / issues at the local and international levels.

GYIN Connection


“Local Voices in Global Platform”

We elevate the voices of local youth leaders by bringing them to global forums exclusively designed by GYIN addressing the challenging issues where we invite relevant stakeholders in raising awareness, advocating the issue and bringing tangible results of impact.

GYIN Community


“Ecosystem Builder”

We build an Exclusive Community for the Youth within GYIN that provides academy, fellowship, training, capacity building, mentorship and economic opportunities. We provide the resources, knowledge and skills to empower the Youth in becoming Young Leaders that have visions to shape a better world.